We lost a good one on Sept. 14, 2022. Clint Jensen was a great work colleague. He had a big personality, he wore his emotions on his sleeve, and he was always quick with a joke. He was a dad, husband, son, brother, leader, and a friend to so many. Many are grieving this loss to all of us. It is hard not to while it was so sudden and so recent.
Clint’s funeral was a time of grief and reflection. It’s hard not to think, “What if [insert name here] was in his shoes?” or remember others who we have lost. The music selection really got to me. While I like music, I’m not big on remembering the words, but I know I heard the words, “You should be here,” “Have it all,” and “What a wonderful world.” I wept. They were vintage Clint. The following day was a celebration of life for him in his home community of Bondurant. It was a party with fellowship, beer, tears, hugs, laughs, and memories. It was a very fitting way to celebrate Clint – to smile because it happened.
The collection of people from all parts of Clint’s life was really something to marvel. It was a modern-day scene from “It’s A Wonderful Life” – Clint was the richest man in town. I could easily argue that all of us were enriched immensely by knowing Clint and by association in knowing one another and sharing that moment in time together.
As is often the case, I write this more for me than I do for you. I need to be reminded that tomorrow is a gift. That our presence and actions influence many, and that those stories are not often told until later.
Our company purpose statement is “Building – because people matter.” This has never been so true as it is in this situation. Those we serve and those we serve with matter. Clint matters; so many roles of friendship, leadership, family and work that it’s hard to comprehend how to replace, but as a community we will grieve and cover the bases. It is what we do for each other. In doing so, I need to remember to not cry because it’s over, but smile because it happened.
We love and miss you Clint.

Mike Espeset