by scdev | Jun 22, 2020
In 1934, James Thompson moves to Ames, IA along with his sons Kenneth and Russell to start a construction firm, aptly named James Thompson & Sons. They acquire their first project that year – the Calmar Creamery in Calmar, IA. The Thompsons build several post...
by scdev | Jun 22, 2020
The Thompsons perform more work at Iowa State University, including Davidson Hall and the Metallurgy Building. Eventually, World War II changes the landscape of the construction industry, and the Thompsons construct a series of hemp mills in central Iowa for the...
by scdev | Jun 23, 2020
James Thompson & Sons builds Spedding Hall on ISU’s campus for the Atomic Energy Commission, which housed the Commission’s research program. In 1951, James Thompson & Sons incorporates, becoming James Thompson & Sons, Inc.
by scdev | Jun 23, 2020
In 1961, Russell Thompson is tragically killed in a car/train accident while traveling to a jobsite. Later that year, the family decides to offer stock ownership to non-family employees. The company completes more prominent projects in Ames, including the Towers...
by scdev | Jun 23, 2020
James Thompson, the “founding father” of JTS, dies in 1968.